Words of the Week - no sleep

Al Barari, Dubai Note - In an attempt to create some form of a schedule for the blog, I'm going to post this on Monday (I'm ...

Al Barari, Dubai

Note - In an attempt to create some form of a schedule for the blog, I'm going to post this on Monday (I'm writing this tonight with a grand total of no sleep, otherwise it would've been up on Saturday). 

This first week of freedom has been so much fun, from just sitting at home to graduating high school! Along with this, I've been reading some really interesting articles on Buzzfeed, and completely unwinding. Ever been able to answer "I'm doing absolutely nothing" when someone asks you what you're doing? Well, finishing exams has led to just that, and it's incredible.


Here’s What People In Hiroshima Thought About Obama’s Visit, via Buzzfeed

Whenever I look at the news, I always feel that we see a single opinion of events, which makes it so difficult to understand the public's true opinions. In light of Obama's visit to Hiroshima, Buzzfeed translated the thoughts of locals near the Peace Memorial Park to understand their feelings. It's amazing to see the peace held by the Japanese, and it does suggest some hope in international relations.

For any Scandal followers out there, there's no denying that Kerry Washington is the queen of TV. We don't realize it at first, but when looking at her social media, it's revealed how little we know about her personal life. It's fascinating, and Buzzfeed has written a lovely in-depth explanation of the other type of celebrity. 


With most TV shows beginning their summer hiatus, binge watching has begun. I've been spending hours on end watching Friends, a classic. However, I've also really been enjoying Veep, a much more recent political comedy with Julia Louis-Dreyfus. It's hilarious, and by the looks of things, will be continuing on for the summer. Even though it's based on POTUS, it's somehow still relatable, all whilst filled with fantastic dry humor. 


With all the binge watching, there hasn't been much change on the music front. I really need to get into some new artists, so if you have any recommendations, please let me know! Old or new, any genre... I'm willing to listen to pretty much anything. 

I hope you've all had a lovely week! Next week's post will come from a different place, so I can't wait to share this next journey with you all... PS packing tips would be much appreciated.

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