Two Months in London

London is one of those places where I feel at home. Even after growing up there for most of my childhood, I'm still amazed by...

London is one of those places where I feel at home. Even after growing up there for most of my childhood, I'm still amazed by how many new things I discover every time I go. Despite the fact that I did very little exploring this summer, I still found tons more things to love about the city. Here are some of my favorite things to do, especially in the sunny weather.

Walking "Tours"

Usually, I'm not one for movement, not going to lie. But, come rain or shine, if I need to get out of the house, I will. This year, I discovered that unguided walking tours were popular. Buzzfeed recommends some of the most artsy ones, which I will link below. I didn't follow any of these, but I did see of the Kensington, Hyde Park and Chelsea ones. Not only is walking around relaxing, but it's amazing to see some of the places famous writers, musicians and composers used to live. Did I know that Mozart, Jane Austen and Vivien Leigh all lived within five minutes of my house? No, but I do now, and it adds so much history to the city.

To find out more about the walking tours, see the Buzzfeed articles here and here

Explore Hyde Park

Hyde Park is a place that you can walk through every day for most of your life, and randomly stumble upon a hidden walkway, house or trail. The best part is, you hardly feel as if you are in a city. Whether you just stick to the Serpentine, take a dip in Princess Diana's memorial, or stroll through to get from one side of Central London to the other, you are bound to enjoy yourself. 

Neon flowers, I kid you not!

These were found in on a hidden, gated path near Kensington Palace. The squirrels here are the tamest ones I've ever seen!

By the Serpentine Café, near the Mandarin Oriental and Burberry

Kimono - Forever 21, Wristlet - CoachBracelet - Pandora, Watch - Christian Dior (vintage)


Even the doors are pretty... good sign :)
Ever since I was a child, I was dragged from museum to museum. At the time, the Science Museum was a personal favorite, mainly because of the kid's area filled with beans and water (it makes sense if you go). Now, I prefer the V&A. Much like Hyde Park, every time you go, you will find something new, especially as the exhibits (usually fashion based!) are constantly changing. Admission to all of the museums is free, but you do have to pay to see the temporary exhibits. Cromwell Road is the Holy Trinity of London, museum wise, with the V&A, Natural History Museum, and Science Museum within steps of each other. From there, there's direct access to Hyde Park! The perfect day out, in my opinion. On a side note, the café and dipping pool at the V&A are a must! 


Let us know what your favorite things to do in London are below! I hope you're all enjoying the last leg of Summer!

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