Stop the End of the Day Slump

Source So, you know when you get back home from school, and all you want to do is nap? Well, that ends here (kind of)... I'm ...


So, you know when you get back home from school, and all you want to do is nap? Well, that ends here (kind of)... I'm going to give you a few of my tips and tricks to making it through the after school demands. Now, I'm not one who practices what they preach, in any way, shape or form, so maybe my tips will help you, and I'll actually try them.

Tip #1 - Get a good night's rest

Now, this one is much more complicated than it seems. In theory, taking a nap after school would produce higher levels of productivity. But, the downside of this idea is what happens in the evening... the energy makes you stay up and procrastinate (most likely on Tumblr or Buzzed), so you'll be a zombie for school the next day. Instead, set yourself a curfew of sorts, where on a certain day, you will go to bed by 10pm. Then, you can wake up fresh (well, fresher than when you pull all-nighters), and should make it through the day without feeling like taking a nap in a random dark classroom.

Tip #2 - Have a Snack!

Ah, food. My love. Normally, I have a light lunch whilst at school, and have a snack of apples or another fruit when I get home. If you prefer to have lunch after school, then make sure it's light enough that you don't feel groggy after eating. Try to go for more refreshing foods that you enjoy, so you will feel a bit more lively than you do straight after the normal after school slump. Oh, and a word from the not so wise - don't eat half a tub of chocolate ice cream without taking your pills, just to get out of doing your homework. You will regret it.

Tip #3 - Plan

As my Business teacher says, failing to plan is planning to fail. If you know you've got homework to do, or a project due a long way away, then be sure to make sure you schedule time to do it. The last thing you want to do is have to ruin your sleep over something you could've done in an hour. There are tons of websites, like MyStudyLife (Sarah and I will be talking about it eventually) where you can plan out your schedule, to see when the best time to work would be. Alternatively, Tumblr has some wonderful blogs that provide you with some planners. I love this website's printable planners, because you can organize everything in a wonderful, neat way. Surprisingly, Tumblr has some wonderful "Studyblrs", which give you tips on revision. They definitely remind you to do your work whilst procrastinating online.

Tip #4 - Take a Break!

Now, this one is by far the hardest one to follow (I joke). It's difficult to find the perfect balance between taking a break and working, but often, I read that you should do 45 minutes of work and have 15 minutes of play. I'd say, whatever balance works for you is what you should use. Remember, as long as you can get everything done without imploding, then it's probably a good schedule for you.  Just make sure that you do take a break, or trust me, not only will you feel empty, but your work won't be up to the standard you want it to be.

Let me know what you do to get through the working week, and I'll try some of your suggestions. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the week! 

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