About Us
"Sarah is a go big or go home type of person. Trust me, everything she puts her mind to, she comes out of with success. Whether it is her artwork, her scripts, or her coffee making skills, she goes all the way. Her determination and honesty make for a refreshing perspective, especially in a land filled with plastics. If it were up to me, in five years, we'd be living in Paris, neighbors, her making us one of her famous morning coffees, before she heads off to teach the people of France about postmodernism, or something smart like that (you can see who has the brains out of this duo ;)). Honestly, I'm positive she'll end up doing that anyway." - Tanya
"If I were to give control of my life to someone it would be Tanya. The numerous occasions where she’s rescued me from overdue essays or projects is overwhelming and how she manages to do them with such precision and high quality, in the short amount of time, boggles my mind. I can count on her in anyway productively ,with her tidy handwriting and color-coded notes and her determination and organization. And trust me, the fun fits into her productivity. Tanya is the only person I know who I’ve sat down with and went through a full-blown-university-decitation-style research over accommodations for a vacation. In a few years I can see her running an international #1 magazine and a published book on The New York Time’s best seller’s list. Without a doubt." - Sarah