Sarah's Spot
Half&Half - An Introduction
Note - this article features a partnership with Minimal Pocket
"Half&Half the creamer?" you ask? Nope! It's a coffee review!
So following the trend of my Week Endings, I decided to make another hebdomadaire (weekly, higher level French as can be) but thought it would be a little too overwhelming. So I'm making a biweekly for a less traumatic experience. What Half&Half will essentially be, is the coffee's I had in that week, what I was thinking of or doing while drinking it and to end, a wonderful coffee-centrtic discovery (the best for last).
(disclaimer: these posts will make absolutely no sense and there is no flow from one section to the next)
Sit back, get your brew in the cup and start your day with Half&Half.
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This week started with a strange rosetta |
As someone who appreciates a nicely made cup of coffee I'm also a nut for aesthetics (who isn't?). I've been trying to create some half-decent latte art for years (two years) now and it had all gone so terribly wrong. Starting from steaming the milk instead of frothing it, a bad pitcher, not thick enough cream and so and so forth. When I was in in Oxford I took a chance in a culinary store and found exactly what I needed, a 10oz stainless steel steam pitcher. Naturally as soon as I got home I ran to my espresso machine and started making so much coffee that my mother had to put a limit on me.
As time went by I...sort better...
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I'm fancy |
I was feeling very inspired that day that I took this photo. I was on a creative streak- arguably... I had overcome a writing block and was writing faster than Speedy Gonzales runs. Of course, being a caffeine addict (interesting fact according to DSM-5 journal of the American Psychology Association caffeine addiction isn't a proven psychological disorder yet caffeine withdrawal is. Huh.) I needed my fix to get me through all the hard work and a fifteen minute photoshoot session seems ideal to do that. By the time I got back to my writing my coffee was cold and the writers block was back.
Deadlines and coffee seem to be very linked (This may or may not have to do with the fact that my extended essay is on coffee). We'd ran out of coffee in the morning and I only had store bought coarsely ground medium roast coffee (I was a little too excited in Harrods) so I had to stick with a café au lait for the rest of the school day. I sent my mom at least twenty texts begging her to get me some Colombian beans on her way home from work. I presumably got on her last nerve because as soon as she came home she handed me a non-decaf cappuccino and gave me the bag of coffee. It was a good day (and a long night).

I love grinding my coffee myself. It is quite an energetically draining task since I have a manual burr grinder, so whenever I talk about my morning work out I'm referring to the effort that goes into my cup of joe. I can't stress the amazing difference between grinding your beans fresh and having store bought grinds.
I'm on a little hunt to see if I can find green coffee beans to roast at home.
(sorry for the pun Tanya)So this posts coffee-discovery is thanks to Tanya, who discovered an incredible Dubai based business called Minimal Pocket*, run by Syz and Didi. They sell original totes (which I shall soon be the owner of) and you can now pre-order their phone covers. All their information is on their instagram page.
I definitely recommend you check these out and give them a follow!
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Words to live by. |
What's been your favorite cup of coffee this week?
Let us know your thoughts!