Tanya's Time
Hello from 20,000 ft
21:45:00![]() |
From this week's semi spontaneous trip :) |
The term ‘my eyes are on fire’ is slowly cropping up more often in my day to day life. I used to laugh at the meme where someone’s Googled “how to get 8 hours of sleep in 2”, or whatever it was. But now, it’s obviously become a reality. I mentioned last week that a majority of my nights are spent either out, or in our flat talking until my mother has dropped off my brother to school — that might not make much sense, but with a 4 hour time difference, she doesn’t seem to appreciate my rapid responses at 8am her time. I spent the journey from my house to the plane in a blur. I ate wagamamas for breakfast at 11am. Ah, uni life.
The past few weeks in particular have been a blur, and it kind of hit me as I was sitting here how much has changed. Deja vu, no? So, whilst I’m sitting in this dark, metal tank, I thought, why not write to Sarah, and as an extension, you.
*pause — I just realised that my music isn’t on shuffle… give me a sec*
*also, I forgot to download my Spotify playlists before boarding, so I guess I’m listening to Mayday Parade for the next 3 weeks*
So, Sarah, I see from Facebook that you’re in Paris! Seems as though we’re both ruling the whole ‘spontaneous trip’ thing. Of course, mine have all been local so far. Who knows though, I might just be banging on your dorm door in a months time… there was meant to be a point to this post.
Oh yeah, the blur and all that spontaneous behaviour. For those of you who have been avid (ha) readers, you’ll know that I was the ‘rigid’ one, who hated to do things without some form a plan. Uni has kind of helped me let loose, and I’m really enjoying being around people with whom I can just make a quick plan and do it. It sounds nothing like me, I know. Just this weekend, I upped the spontaneousness and went around London with my friends, with very little prep. About a month ago, I did the same. I got bored, booked a train ticket with my friend, and headed into the city. I think these are the best trips to be honest… but, there’s always a downside.
The blur. Spontaneousness came with some sort of a blank point, where I felt a little bit lost after going rogue. It’s worth it, I think, to have a little bit of adventure, but don’t forget about all the stuff you need to do to get by. This brings me on to the sleep, of course. I’ve had, on average, 4 hours of sleep at “night” since around the third week of term. My flat mates joke that I spend more time napping during the day than most do in their entire childhood. Sleep seems to be arbitrary at the moment, so, Sarah, if you happen to not see me in Dubai, I’m probably in bed. Somehow I’m still making it to classes (yes mother, really) and miraculously getting by.
Even though uni hasn’t been exactly what I’ve expected so far, I have to mention the huge amount of love and respect I have for my friends and flatmates. Clearly, from above, I must be temperamental to live with. At one point, my door was plastered with sticky notes telling people that I’d gone on ‘another’ spontaneous trip and would be back late on Sunday night. So, although I’m a complete basket case right now, the guys in my flat are the most wonderful people to be around (besides you, of course). It’s weird how close I’ve become to people after just 10 weeks, to the point where I had a nice little cry on the way home from the train station last night when it hit me that I probably won’t see anyone for a month (nobody’s really surprised by the crying, are they? Still emotional, don’t worry, not that much has changed).
It’s just been a wild first term. So, although, from January, we’re doing a ‘refresh’, there’s definitely some stuff I want to keep up —
- Flat nights. Just sitting in the kitchen (or on the floor in the hallway) having ‘deep philosophical chats’ until our eyes go red.
- Going to class… if I can survive an entire Thursday without breaks on 2 hours sleep, there’s really no excuse to skip on the full 8...
- Still be (a little bit) spontaneous. We all know plans fall through, so whilst we’re all on a high, it’s fun to just go out and do something
Okay, I should probably clock out and get some rest before landing… I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday, it would be lovely to hear about them in the comments :)
Let us know your thoughts!