Fashion Week
Sarah's Spot
Words of the Week
Week Ending: Caffeine Content
16:05:00![]() |
What extended essay? |
To start off, Tanya and I wanted to thank all of you for 2000+ views! It was a huge motivation to keep us going and write new and better things for all of you, so a huge thanks from the two of us!
I feel like as the week goes by the tone of my posts get more and more bitter. (pun intended)
I've been making an alarming amount of coffee these past few days, and procrastinating...well...I'm technically...relatively...studying....more...No comment.
As much as I love being bitter and seemingly misanthropic, I dislike being negative. I very strongly dislike it. So I'll be stirring away from bad thoughts and pessimism and I will recommend you to as well. I can assume that we're all stressed, whether it be school or work or anything stressful.
As the time for the final submission for the extended essay is decreasing my chances of brain hemorrhaging are increasing. This weekend is pretty much jam-packed with work (corrupted files and deadlines don't mix well) so it's hard to focus on all things I want to do. Whether it be my novel, Les Farfelues, my reading list, etc. So to summarize, I'm working on how to get things done without spontaneous combustion.
You need to take some time off to just calm down and restart your brain so here it is, Week Ending part 3: Caffeine Content!
I'm the kind of person who starts reading a book, and halfway through starts rereading an old book, then goes off and buys at least 5 new books and is left in a pile of twenty thousand books with that one book still unread. Luckily, I've decided to be responsible with my finances so I'm aware of how much money I'm throwing away a week.
I had decided to clean up my room to make space for studying, and just general neatness. I was putting my books away and being a hoarder, I was keeping some to the side in case I wanted to read them again or have them near by. (We all know that is not gonna happen)
One of these books was 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera. It's a book that runs on Nietzschean philosophy, so you need to spend the first few pages understanding eternal recurrence properly.
The story revolves around three characters:
Tomáš, a womanizing surgeon
Tereza, a quiet waitress who moves to Prague after falling madly in love with Tomáš
Sabina (my favorite), an artist and the lover of Tomáš, a true hater of kitsch (as everyone should be)
It's based around the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and the Czech outcry against communism.
It's definitely worth a check out if you like brain-fuel.
I had decided to clean up my room to make space for studying, and just general neatness. I was putting my books away and being a hoarder, I was keeping some to the side in case I wanted to read them again or have them near by. (We all know that is not gonna happen)
One of these books was 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera. It's a book that runs on Nietzschean philosophy, so you need to spend the first few pages understanding eternal recurrence properly.
The story revolves around three characters:
Tomáš, a womanizing surgeon
Tereza, a quiet waitress who moves to Prague after falling madly in love with Tomáš
Sabina (my favorite), an artist and the lover of Tomáš, a true hater of kitsch (as everyone should be)
It's based around the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and the Czech outcry against communism.
It's definitely worth a check out if you like brain-fuel.
I remember having a conversation with my best friend about feel-good movies. It was more of a socratic argument (blame TOK not me) over her film choice for when she was feeling down. Outraged and on a busy metro with no seat, I was one-handedly debating with her over her choice of film. What she said was when she's upset she doesn't want a film she should have to pay attention to, rather have something fun and lowkey and not necessarily a good film. My counter argument was "WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU NOT WANT A GOOD MOVIE TO WATCH????" (that was a quote you can ask her). In the end she won the conversation because I admitted I saw her point.
It got me thinking of bad films. Some films are so terrible that you can't help but love them. If you've heard of or seen 'The Room' you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
Zardoz is one of my favorite sci-fi films mainly because it's so horrifically cringe worthy. Directed and written and produced by John Boorman in 1974, Zardoz is about a post-apocalyptic planet earth, which has its humans divided into two groups of immortals and mortals. Cool huh? To make things even more exciting, there's a flying stone head that orders the killing of the mortal group of humans. Didn't think it could get better? Look at what Sean Connery wears:
Writing my novel, I've been listening to a lot of bossanova. For those who aren't familiar with bossanova it's a genre originating from Brazil that's faily similar to samba but most of the musical focus is on the melody.
I actually love sandwiches. My inner t-rex may scream "STEAK" at the top of it's lungs but i really do love sandwiches more (or even steak sandwiches); especially when I make them at home.
I recently found out I have an intolerance towards avocados, which not only plunged me into a pit of depression, but also meant I needed to find a new recipe for this section. And to be fully honest, I think this recipe is much better than the original one. This is a probably one of the best roast beef sandwich recipes I found and I hope you'll all enjoy it.
Check out:
- Tanya's review of the NYFW for you fashonistas (or as Joey Tribbiani puts it, "Fash...ists")
- How to turn a soft drink can into a DeLorean for the geeks in all of us
How do you keep your weekends busy?
Let us know your thoughts!