Words of the Week - 18C

Throwback to Summer in Brighton For those of you who follow us on Twitter  (a shameless plug in under a line, what a record), you will ...

Throwback to Summer in Brighton
For those of you who follow us on Twitter (a shameless plug in under a line, what a record), you will know that I've been blabbing on and on about the weather in Dubai for the past few days. For those of you who don't want to see the endless stream of tweets, I'll sum it up for you here - it's currently 18 degrees celsius, and everyone is flipping out. Now, I'm not cold (my AC is on 18 anyway), but the fact that there's wind blowing is probably the most entertaining thing that I've seen in a while. Yes, I never leave my room. On the other hand, the grayish weather has meant that my already pathetic blog photos are even worse... so if you're wondering where in the world all of our content is right now, it's cosily sitting in the drafts section of our backstage area. Sarah and I will attempt to post some stuff in the next few days, but without decent photos neither of us feel 100% about sending out content. For the time being, there are around 40 posts lying around this site, so feel free to explore those (either through the blog itself or Bloglovin', whichever you prefer). That also gives you guys the chance to go through our content and tell us what you'd like to see more of, because we'd really like to cater to you after the new year :) Okay, lengthy paragraph that most of you probably didn't read over (!), let's get on with it.


UGH! - The 1975
The 1975 is one of those bands I feel people either love or hate. I love them, because I think their songs are catchy and are good to sing a long to. For those of you who didn't understand Matt Healy in the first album, this song is much easier to listen to, so take a crack at it and let me know what you think!

Blue Neighborhood - Troye Sivan
I feel like this album is something I keep talking about, but honestly, it is absolutely stunning. You can tell that there's been time and effort put in to make each and every track special, and it has payed off. There's an edgy vibe to the album, but it still feels chilled. It's really good to type along to (I've been writing this with it on, and have spent an hour listening to it on repeat for my TOK essay.) Again, I feel as though it's a love/hate thing, so try it out (for free on YouTube even) and see what you think.

What to Read

I'm really hungry right now, so this is making me really jealous. It's Vogue's favorite food instagram accounts. More food, but this time for babies. A chef just shared a Medium post about what he feeds his baby, and I'm pretty sure that this child eats better food that I do... oops. On a non-food related note, Snapchat shared their official snappers online earlier this week, so someone on Medium very kindly told us who to stalk. In terms of books, I'm still ploughing through This Side of Paradise, and whilst I've definitely gotten further along in it that I had in The Beautiful and Damned. Whilst that isn't saying much, it's a tiny accomplishment in the grand scheme of things.

Other stuff

In some attempt to exercise, I've been watching YouTube videos to try and decide what would work for me. Without leaving my room, of course. I found LWR Fitness through Anna Saccone Joly, and I'm really enjoying the December workout playlist. Instead of doing something everyday, I've been alternating and doubling up the days where I can. I'm really enjoying it so far, so maybe I'll give you a progress update in the New Year. I tried the fitness yoga videos, but didn't enjoy them as much (and honestly do not have the flexibility to do some of the stuff on the basics), so maybe I will try some new stuff and do a fitness file style thing, if you're interested? Let me know :) 

I hope you guys have a nice week! Just remember, it's almost the holidays (thank goodness), so make the most of the next few days and the holiday will be worth it! Let me know what type of content you would like to see over the break x

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