Tanya's Time
Words of the Week
Words of the Week - Crunch Time
18:53:00![]() |
In memory of those who died on this day in 2001 Image Credit - me (I know, shocker, but, in my defense, my ability to photograph is pretty hit and miss) |
Now, before I start, I wanted to just touch upon the photo for this week's post. Today is the thirteen year anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, something that is very close to me. Whenever I look at this photo, or any of the ones I took on my last trip to New York (something I will write about, if you'd like), I end up reflecting back on a much simpler time, not just on a global scale, but on a personal level. These past few weeks have been much harder than anything I've ever had to experience, and considering some of the things I've experienced, that's saying something. I've lost the ability to feel like myself, and that's something that I will be working on from now. Hopefully, everything will calm down soon, but until then, here are some things I've been enjoying/ thinking about this week.
This week hasn't been one for the books, but I have been ploughing through The Beautiful and the Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald. When I say ploughing through, I literally mean forcing myself to open the book and dragging my eyes across the pages. This one is just not for me. I will admit that it did pick up somewhere, but just dropped back down to a constant state of blah. That being said, I didn't appreciate the "literary wonder" that was The Great Gatsby very much either. Maybe third time lucky? I'm going to start This Side of Paradise soon, with it's gorgeous Coralie Bickford-Smith cover! I'll update you all on how that goes...
Today was the 10th anniversary of Dubai's Art Fair scene, so, naturally, we stepped out to the bi-monthly art fair for a few snacks. We got free cake (yum), emoji cupcakes (😍) and juices (sugar - 2, health - 1). Overall, my stomach has had a good week. Better run back to the gym this week to make up for it...
This week has been an article-based one, to make up for the drab books. My love for Medium has grown, and I am seriously considering posting one or two more personal posts up there. The site has got a very intimate feel to it, and every writer has impeccable flair with their words. Through my Medium obsession, I've signed up for Read This Thing, a website where you receive an article a day to your feed. Each one is unique, and you get to experience a much more personal journalism experience. I'd strongly recommend signing up to both websites if you are a fan of reading, because, truthfully, I think articles are becoming my new favorite form of reading.
Stuck in a Rut
Just before I sign off, I wanted to ask you if you had any suggestions for the blog, on posts, layout, or literally anything. I'm finding it a little bit difficult to find things to talk about, because you guys are just so shy about commenting! Please, let us know what you'd like to see from us in the comments, or email us! Harsh or kind, we appreciate every single comment and piece of feedback.
Articles of the Week - Givenchy and New York Fashion Week , What's in My Bag - Refugee Edition, We Should All Be Weird as F***
Artist of the Week - James Bay (I heard him live on Ellen, and my goodness, his voice is even better live than on iTunes)
Quote of the Week - "The truth is life is full of joy and full of great sorrow, but you can't have one without the other" Andre Dubus III, House of Sand and Fog
Quote of the Week - "The truth is life is full of joy and full of great sorrow, but you can't have one without the other" Andre Dubus III, House of Sand and Fog
Let us know your thoughts!