Juice Ban

After a very unhealthy season, my mother has banned juice from our house (for real this time). Now, whilst I've never been one fo...

After a very unhealthy season, my mother has banned juice from our house (for real this time). Now, whilst I've never been one for soda, coffee or tea, there are two drinks that are my saviors - juice and hot chocolate. Water is something that I have to force myself into drinking, and it's really becoming a problem. So, after doing some Googling (gotta love browsing), I've found a solution of sorts - infused water

Even though I did drink a lemon, cucumber and mint combination over the summer, once I finished my travels it really didn't stick. However, after reading this article, I really want to stick by it. Since I don't really want to buy a pitcher just yet, I've used the following method to make a nice tasting water-

You will need -

  1. 3 sprigs of mint
  2. 2 slices of lemon (each about as thick as a £2 coin)
  3. 1/3 of a small cucumber (chopped)
You just need to put it all in a bottle/ jug. It's really that easy. Honestly, it might not be the best tasting thing at first, but you will get used to it! If you feel it's too sour, you can use less lemon, or it's not sweet enough, you can add more mint. Can't do that with juice!!

If I do manage to keep up with it (which I hope I do!), I might end up buying one of these... For the time being, I'll leave you with this link from Buzzfeed, about some cool fruit-infused waters to try! Let me know if there's a specific fruit water you enjoy! 

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